Monday 16 July 2018


Image result for SEIZURESSeizures (fits) can be defined as abnormal nonsynchronous discharge of cerebral neurons; simply we can understand that as abnormal electrical activity in the brain, if it becomes chronic it is called epileptic disorder
What is the real reason behind these disorders?
The causes mainly depends on the age of the person , the most common causes in children are hypoxia, birth injury, infections of brain,  some genetic disorders and structural abnormalities of brain
When it comes to adults the main causes varies slightly they are head trauma, alcohol withdrawal, infections of brain, liver failure, brain tumours etc.
Image result for epilepsy pathophysiology

What we should do if a person seizing in front of us?
Grab a key chin and place it in his hand…..ooh…! No that’s a crap. The most common mistake everyone do around us
Let’s discuss about what to do what not to do  
1. Move the person to a safe place far from sharp objects, prevent tongue biting
2. Make him to lie on his side, loosen the cloths around his neck
3. Seek medical help
4. Don’t try to stop his movements
Image result for SEIZURES

Are they similar in everyone?
No, there are many types of seizures, in a simple way we can classify them as 1. Simple - where person we be conscious and 2.complex – where person loses his conscious
Image result for seizures

Let’s move a step further; what a person suffering from such a disorder should do?
4. Don’t try to stop his movements
No needs to panic, most of the causes are well manageable; consult a doctor, preferably a neurologist, take the given medication properly, here it is very crucial because most of the patients fail to do so
If there is an episode of seizure with abnormal EEG (electro encephalogram), the goal of drug therapy is to prevent further attacks, usually it will be continued until there have been no seizure for at least 3 years

Precautions for epileptics
1. Work near open fire or dangerous machinery should be avoided
2. Vehicle driving and swimming should be discouraged
3. Avoid alcohol, smoking and other pleasurable drugs
Until at least 6 months seizure free period has been achieved with treatment, later on these activities may be allowed in the company of someone

THE END….00PS… of course not, there is a lot more to discuss
Let’s discuss about 1.myoclonic jerks and 2.Absent seizures (BLACK OUTS) in the comments below
Image result for seizuresImage result for myoclonic jerk