Wednesday 24 February 2016

Its my😌 bussiness to know what other👬 people dont know😂...sherlock holmes


Over 125 years after his creation, Sherlock Holmes remains the most popular fictional detective in history. Arthur Conan Doyle is best known for the 60 stories he wrote about Sherlock Holmes.
Over 125 years after his creation, Sherlock Holmes remains the most popular fictional detective in history. Arthur Conan Doyle is best known for the 60 stories he wrote about Sherlock Holmes.
sherlock holmes
Holmes is known for his astutelogical reasoning, his ability to adopt almost any disguise, and his use of forensic science to solve difficult cases

Throughout the 125 years since the character of Sherlock Holmes first appeared, there have been countless fictional representations of the consulting detective, but there have also been a handful of “real” Sherlocks, as well. Here are two of the originals.
Joseph Bell (1837 – 1911):
Joseph BellHolmes is always at his coolest when he’s systematically breaking down the background of an individual by close inspection of subtle details. Apparently, Dr. Joseph Bell used that same process as a dramatic demonstration of the powers of observation and reason. Arthur Conan Doyle was a student of Bell’s while at medical school and served as his clerk for a time. This set up the Holmes-Watson relationship with the inexperienced Conan Doyle as the young doctor trying to keep up with the master. While Bell may have had a bit of Holmes’s mind, he did not have Holmes’ job. Bell used his deductive powers to diagnose diseases and disabilities, and while he did occasionally assist the police it was in the capacity of a forensic doctor, not a consulting detective.
Henry Littlejohn (1826 – 1914): Littlejohn was another individual that Conan Doyle specifically acknowledged as one of the inspirations for Sherlock Holmes. Littlejohn was also a doctor, but his relationship with the police was more official than that of Joseph Bell. For almost 50 years Littlejohn served as Surgeon of Police and Medical Officer of Health of Edinburgh. Part of this job was a public health position (a relatively new idea at the time), but the other part was to serve as a consultant to the police when they needed medical expertise. The story goes that both Littlejohn and Bell were brought in during the investigation of the “Jack the Ripper” murders.

Many charecter are even inspried by sherlock holmes one of it is our adorable Gregory House in House MD tv show,we can see the similarity in names holmes and house both mean the same,friend of holmes is Dr.james watson where as friend of house is Dr.james wilson both starts with w

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