Wednesday 24 February 2016

Lead leads to fall of roman empire

Lead molecular formula
Lead molecular formula
In ancient rome lead was in  used a lot almost in every thing,intrestingly it was the first  known artificial sweatner  to man,in rome lead acetate was used as artificial sweatner in grape juice,with present day science we know that chronic ingestion of lead leads to plumbism which includes anemia,bone disorders and many more complications,often it can leads to infertility,that is the reason why lead was banned completely in many countries.
Acute or chronic intoxication by lead or any of its salts; symptoms of acute lead poisoning usually are those of acute gastroenteritis in adults or encephalopathy in children; chronic lead poisoning is manifested chiefly by anemia, constipation, colicky abdominal pain, neuropathy with paralysis (especially wrist-drop involving the extensor muscles of the forearm) bluish lead line of the gums, and interstitial nephritis; saturnine gout, convulsions, and coma may occur.

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